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  • thechoppingblock

Greens Smoothie Bowl

This is a bowl that is packed full of sooo many nutrients it’s unreal. The best part - it does NOT taste like vegetables. I remember I used to look at those kale and spinach smoothies and gag. Smoothies are supposed to be sweet, who would want to drink liquid spinach? Well good news, I was completely wrong. Kale and spinach both have very muted flavor, so when paired with a distinct taste like bananas or strawberries, the fruit completely takes over. So yummy!


1 c spinach - frozen

1 c chopped kale (better if frozen, but doesn’t have to be)

1 banana - frozen

1/4 cucumber - frozen

1 tsp honey (optional for added sweetness)

1/4 c unsweetened almond milk

3 strawberries sliced

1/2 banana sliced

1 tbsp almond butter (see almond butter recipe)

Granola of choice


1) Add spinach, kale, frozen banana, cucumber, honey, and almond milk to blender

2) Blend until smooth. You can add almond milk as needed, but you want this mixture to be as thick as possible without being chunky.

3) Add smoothie to bowl and top with strawberries, banana, almond butter, and granola - you can also switch up these toppings to your favorite fruit! Another one of my favorite pairings is mango and blueberry.


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